5 New Videos in the ICE Video Library


Diagnosis: Right fifth metacarpal fracture


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Rachel Part 1: Occupational Profile

The client sustained a fifth metacarpal fracture due to falling on an outstretched hand. As a part of her evaluation, her OT conducts an occupational profile to determine her life roles and how her injury has impacted her occupational performance.

Rachel Part 2: Upper Extremity Screen

The client sustained a fifth metacarpal fracture due to falling on an outstretched hand. As a part of her evaluation, her occupational therapist is conducting an upper extremity screen to assess her range of motion and strength.

Rachel Part 3: Physical Assessment of Hands

The client sustained a fifth metacarpal fracture due to falling on an outstretched hand. As a part of her evaluation, her occupational therapist is conducting a physical assessment of her hands, including measurements of edema and range of motion.

Rachel Part 4: Home Exercise Program

The client sustained a fifth metacarpal fracture due to falling on an outstretched hand. As a part of her evaluation, her OT assesses her hand strength and dexterity. Additionally, she walks her through ROM exercises for her home exercise program.

Rachel Part 5: Preparation for Occupational Engagement

The client sustained a fifth metacarpal fracture due to falling on an outstretched hand. The occupational therapist performs a retrograde massage as a preparatory method before engaging the client in ADL/IADLs.

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DocuLearn Webinar - December 6, 2023


4 New Videos in the ICE Video Library